The Real Mckoy

On September 29, 2000, I was blessed with a boy named Marcus.

When most of my friends' kids were already uttering words and short sentences, my son had only a handful of words up his sleeve. My fears prompted an immediate visit to the pediatrician after he celebrated his 3rd birthday.

At the clinic, after performing the standard checkup procedures, the doctor proceeded to ask questions. "What 3-syllable words can he speak? Can he say simple sentences and phrases?", she asked.

"Hmmm, he can only say a few words. He can say Toyota!", I said proudly. Then I asked nervously, "Doc, is that normal for his age?"

The doctor smilingly replied, "He's normal. Don't worry. He is just absorbing all the information and refuses to talk, for now. Enjoy his silence while you can because when he starts talking, he will never stop."

And she was right.

Since the day he decided to unload information through the power of articulation, I often found myself engaged in a verbal reasoning contest.

Looking back, it made me realize how a child's perspective of things differs from an adulterated mind. A child will normally react based on what was presented and taught to them as facts therefore it usually results to what adults think is wrong reasoning or 'pamimilosopo'. Whether it's intentional or unintentional is debatable.

I personally find humor listening to my son's never ending rationalizations, for now...

Meet the real Mckoy.

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